1.Ответьте на вопросы о Российском праве, используя глаголы в пассивном залоге и информацию, данную в скобках
1) Whom are decided the cases in the courts of Russian Federation by? (Judge) – The courts of Russian Federation are decided by Judge.
2) By what sources of law is influenced Russian law? (economics, morality, politics)? – It is influenced by economics, morality and politics.
3) Is delictual law highly developed in Russia? ( Yes) – Yes? It is. Delictual law is highly developed in Russia.
4) Can assault, rape and other private wrongs be discharged by payment of monetary compensation? (No) – No, they can’t. Assault, rape and other private wrongs can’t be discharged by payment of monetary compensation.
5) Were civil and criminal codes always recorded in Russia? (No) – No, they weren’t. Civil and criminal codes were not always recorded in Russia.
6) Is Equity law (право справедливости) used in Russia? (No) – No, Equity law wasn’t used in Russia.
7) Is Russian law based on precedents? (No) – No, it isn’t based on precedents.
8) Are jurors involved into trials? (Yes) – Yes, jurors are involved into trials.
9) Are hard criminals sentenced to capital punishment nowadays? (No) – Now, they aren’t sentenced to capital punishment nowadays.
10) Are executive, legislative and judicial branches included into Russian governmental system? (Yes) – Yes, they are. Executive, legislative and judicial branches are included into Russian governmental system.
2. Образуйте различные формы инфинитива (Indefinite, Continuous Active, Perfect Active, Perfect Continuous Active; Indefinite Passive, Perfect Passive) от следующих глаголов:
1) write – to be writing, to have written, to have being written, to be written, to have been written;
2) make – to be making, to have made, to have being made, to be made, to have been made;
3) commit – to be committing, to have committed, to have being committing, to have committed, to have been commited;
4) reveal – to be revealing, to have revealed, to have being revealing, to have revealed, to have been revealed;
5) study – to be studying, to have studied, to have being studying, to have studied, to have been studied.
3. Постройте предложения с конструкцией Сложное подлежащее, используя слова в скобках
1) The crime is reported to have been committed by a group of teenagers.
2) Law is considered to be a social phenomenon.
3) Old Mr. Johnson is considered to be an experienced judge.
4) Mr. Wilson is heard to have solved th