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Контрольная работа на тему Контрольная работа 140401-11


Контрольная работа 140401-11
Контрольная работа
13 с.
195 руб.

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Фрагмент работы:

Контрольная работа №1

Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык и перепишите предложения.

We discuss (много) business problems at the talks.
We discuss many/a lot of business problems at the talks.
I have got (мало) letters on my desk.
I have got few letters on my desk.
(Сколько) engineers work for your company.
How many engineers work for your company?
Mr. Bell drinks (много) coffee every morning.
Mr. Bell drinks much/a lot of coffee every morning.
My mother watches TV very (мало).
My mother watches TV very little.
He speaks (много) foreign languages.
He speaks many/a lot of foreign languages.
Our secretary has got (мало) work.
Our secretary has got little work.
(Сколько) sisters have you got?
How many sisters have you got?
I read (много) newspapers.
I read many/a lot of newspapers.
My mother speaks (много) on the telephone.
My mother speaks much/a lot on the telephone.

Поставьте окончание –s(-es) там, где это необходимо.

The secretary reads cable in the morning.
I go home at 7 p.m.
She doesn’t go out in the evening.
Whose friends learn at school?
Who writes letters?
Does he know English well?
She usually stays at school after lessons.
I speak English and French very well.
Our manager doesn’t meet customers till lunch.
Whose daughter goes out in the evening?
Who drinks tea?
Does he sell chemical equipment?

Поставьте глагол to be в правильную форму.

It is our office in London.
We are sitting at the desks.
I am an engineer of the Trade Delegation.
Our director is speaking on the phone.
Foreign businessmen are working in the office.
What are you doing now?
It is our school.
We are discussing business.
I am reading and translating.
Our teacher is speaking English.
All students are writing now.
What are you speaking about?

Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму (выберите Present Simple или Present Continuous).

Mr. Voronin usually comes to the office at 9.30 in the morning. Every morning he looks through the mail. Now Voronin is sitting in the comfortable armchair and reading a newspaper. He likes English newspapers. Today he is having only few letters on his desk. The engineers are coming to the office at 10.00. Now they are in the office and are discussing business matters. Stepanov is the director of the large company. They sell different goods to many other companies. They do business with English companies too. Stepanov usually discusses business with his customers. Now you see him in the office. He is sitting at the table and speaking on the phone. Mr. Bell’s secretary is phoning him. They are making an appointment for Friday.

Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

Mr. Bell isn’t at home now.
Where is Mr. Bell now?
I receive the mail every day.
What do you receive every day?
My parents like to stay at home in the evening.
Where do your parents like to stay in the evening?
I often spe