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Контрольная работа на тему Контрольная работа 141111-03


Контрольная работа 141111-03
Контрольная работа
11 с.

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Фрагмент работы:


1. Прочтите и переведите следующие группы слов

An essential tool of civilization – неотъемлемый (важнейший) инструмент цивилизации;
the direct exchange of goods and services – прямой обмен товарами и услугами;
the great disadvantage of barter – огромный недостаток бартера (товарообмена);
a laborious system of exchange – трудоемкая система обмена;
an amazing variety of goods and services – удивительное разнообразие товаров и услуг;
a piece of furniture – предмет мебели;
the value of one commodity – ценность одной единицы товара;
a means of deferred payments – средство отсроченного платежа;
in the case of hire purchase contacts – в отношении договора о продаже в рассрочку.

2. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов
means, form, tool, frustrating, obtain, useless, need, instrument, shape, get, medium, commodity, general, require, labour, store, common, article, work, stock, deteriorate, significant, spoil, essential, apparent, conduct, purchase, evident, carry out, buy
means – medium
form – shape
frustrating – useless
obtain – get
need – require
instrument – tool
commodity – article
general – common
purchase – buy
labour – work
store – stock
deteriorate – spoil
significant – essential
apparent – evident
conduct – carry out

3. Прочтите и переведите текст


Money is one of man’s inventions and the fact that all but the least developed of human societies use money indicates that it is an essential tool of civilization. In the absence of some form of money, exchange may take the form of barter which is the direct exchange of goods and services for goods and services. Barter will serve man’s requirements quite adequately when he provides most of his needs directly and relies upon market exchanges for very few of the things he wants. As the extent of specialization increases, the barter system proves very inefficient and frustrating. In the simplest societies each family will provide by its own efforts most of its needs and perhaps some small surpluses. A farmer will exchange any small surplus of food, wool or hides for the surpluses of other producers. But this system of exchange becomes very cumbersome as economic activities become more specialized. A specialist metal worker must seek out a large number of other specialists in order to obtain, by barter, the variety of goods he needs to satisfy his daily wants.
The great disadvantage of barter is the fact that it depends upon a “double coincidence of wants”. A hunter who wants to exchange his skins for corn must find, not merely a person who wants skins, but someone who wants skin and has a surplus of corn for disposal. The alternative is to exchange his skins for some other article and they carry out a series of similar exchanges until he finally gets his corn. Time and energy which could be devoted to production in spent on a laborious system of exchange.
Quite early in his history man discovered a much more convenient arrangement. The use of some commodity as a medium of exchange makes exchange triangular and removes the major difficulty of the