Introduction 3
Judicial system of the USA 3
Conclusion 7
The list of used literature 9
In this work the subject «Judicial system of the USA» is considered.
Judicial system of the USA is system of the connected among themselves judicial and administrative authorities exercising justice in the United States of America and administration of judicial authorities. It consists of various state authorities at federal level, at level of staff and at local level.
The main difference of judicial system of the USA from many other is its division between level of states and federal level. These levels are almost completely independent from each other. Thus, in the USA there are 55 judicial systems – federal judicial system and judicial systems of each of states, the federal District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and dependent territories. Is also the breeding courts solving disputes in American Indian reservations.
Let's consider in more detail judicial system of the USA.
Judicial system of the USA
The judicial system of the USA is two-level: it includes system of federal courts, and also judicial systems of 50 states, the federal District of Columbia and four dependent territories. Courts of each of systems operate on the relation to each other rather independently and independently.
Federal courts consider all cases arising from the relations, the United States settled by the Code of laws, English United States Code. They also consider all cases falling under jurisdiction of federal agencies. To such affairs on the crimes made in the territory at once of several states as these affairs are in FBI jurisdiction, for example, belong. The system of federal courts consists of several hierarchical levels. The top management in system is the Supreme Court of the USA. District appeal courts further follow. There are district courts of the various geographical regions which system is defined by the Congress of the USA below.
Federal judicial system of the USA – set of vessels of the USA operating in all territory of the country (district, special, appeal, etc.), led by the Supreme court of the USA. It is organizationally completely isolated from judicial system of states.
The highest judicial authority of the USA is the Supreme court. Theoretically, its competence is strictly limited to the Constitution of the USA. So, competence of the Supreme court includes affairs evolving Constitution