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Реферат на тему Устройство полиции США


Устройство полиции США
6 с.

Устройство полиции США - работа из нашего списка "ГОТОВЫЕ РАБОТЫ". Мы помогли с ее выполнением и она была сдана на Отлично! Работа абсолютно эксклюзивная, нигде в Интернете не засвечена и Вашим преподавателям точно не знакома! Если Вы ищете уникальную, грамотно выполненную курсовую работу, реферат, реферат и т.п. - Вы можете получить их на нашем ресурсе.
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Фрагмент работы:

The device is police of the USA

Unlike most countries, the USA is not a single police department, therefore, no official dealer of the term «Police United States." Instead, each state, as well – every major city, and sometimes a smaller town has its own police department, independent from the others. Their own police departments can be assured with large transport companies. Policing system of the USA occurred under the influence of democratic ideas of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the principles of the Constitution of 1787.
In the USA three levels of government: federal, state, and local, and state governments and local authorities initially enjoyed considerable autonomy. By the beginning of the XX century. the USA has developed the following system of the police:
1) Police organizations in the towns and villages.
2) Sheriffs and led by their agencies in the districts.
3) formation of the state police.
4) The police organization of the federal government that were included in the Ministries of Justice, Post, Treasury, Interior, Defense, etc. In the USA the first permanent police department was formed in 1845 in New York City (Police Department City of New York).
The structure of the police
In the USA there are federal law enforcement agencies that investigate federal crimes (FBI, Office of Drug Enforcement, federal marshals and others). But the main burden falls on the police stat